Personality and temperment of a Bichon.

Bichons have an independent spirit, are intelligent, affectionate, bold, lively charming, gentle fluff. They have a self-assured, happy temperament that is easy to live with. These bright little angels are easy to train and love everyone. They need people to be happy. They are naturally sociable and are happiest when they are part of a family that takes them everywhere. This sociable trait also means that they are fine in the company of other pets and are excellent with children.They will alert you to intrutors. Bichons love to perform tricks because they love to entertain you. Bichons are obedient when loved.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Saturn had two baby girls!!! February 24th 2011 Went home to their new owners April 22/ 2011

Devin and baby Bella

Devin and grandma Helga and baby Bella

Gord and Deb and baby Addie Jane
Hi Fern,

Addie enjoyed everyone that stopped in!  She was totally relaxed and happy!
Hope that your Easter was great!

Addie loves to play!! She loves to play tug a war, and fetch her toys.  She already knows her name, and she comes running when we say, "Addie come"!  She is very affectionate!
I love her to pieces!!! 

Thanks for raising such a wonderful girl!

April 25 /11

Good Morning Fern,

Just wanted to let you know that Addie enjoyed the Royal Wedding this morning! We even got photos of her wearing her Tiera!  I'll snd photos when I get everything figured out about sending photos!!!

Addie is almost completely toilet trained1  She sleeps through the night, in her crate, beside my bed! Addie is doing better than my kids did, with sleeping through the night! Addie comes to her name! She is starting to sit for her meals.  Addie eats three meals with enthusiasm daily! (Consuming aproximately a half a cup of her kibble daily.)She loves to get her belly rubbed, and she rolls over, when she hears "Belly, belly, belly"!  Addie loves to go for car rides.  She has many toys that she fetches, chews on and tosses about! Addie is PERFECT! Thank you!!!!!  

Have a great day!


April 29/11

WOW what a beauty!!!!
Addie May 5/2011

The Royal Wedding picture sent May 10/2011
I think Addie is eyeing the desert and not to interested in the wedding!!!
Hi Fern,
I hope that you are well.
Everything is terrific here. Addie continues to steal our hearts daily!
Addie has started a new behaviuor1  When Gord goes to work, I always give him a quick hug good-bye. Addie has decided that this looks pretty good. Therefore, now when I go to hug Gord goodbye, Addie whines and wants to be picked up and included in the hug.  This happens consistantly.  So we now call our hugs good-bye, our family hug!  Addie loves it!  What a little lover she is!
Enjoy this beautiful day!

Saturns baby girls have found new homes!!!
You can still get one of our babies because my Alexandrea is expecting her babies anytime!!!
Call Fern at 519-875-1482 to be put on our waiting list.

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Bichon & Yorkie Lovers where dreams really do come true...

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