Personality and temperment of a Bichon.

Bichons have an independent spirit, are intelligent, affectionate, bold, lively charming, gentle fluff. They have a self-assured, happy temperament that is easy to live with. These bright little angels are easy to train and love everyone. They need people to be happy. They are naturally sociable and are happiest when they are part of a family that takes them everywhere. This sociable trait also means that they are fine in the company of other pets and are excellent with children.They will alert you to intrutors. Bichons love to perform tricks because they love to entertain you. Bichons are obedient when loved.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bichon Lovers Junior Love with Becky owner of Grooming with Finnesse...

Junior adores Becky!
Becky is so gentle and loving to the animals she grooms.
She is an amazing person and the best groomer I have ever gone to!!
She is so good that Becky is soon to open a second salon!!
Everyone wants her to take care of their dogs grooming!!!
Becky is getting Junior ready for his next showing at a dog show!!      

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